Ops-controller-manager Overview

ops-controller-manager is a Kubernetes Operator that provides three core objects: Host, Cluster, and Task.

Objects in ops-controller-manager

  • Host: Describes a host machine, including hostname, IP address, SSH username, password, private key, etc.
  • Cluster: Describes a cluster, including details such as cluster name, number of hosts, number of pods, load, CPU, memory, etc.
  • Task: Describes a task, which can be one-time or scheduled (cron) tasks.


Install Helm

If you haven't installed Helm yet, you can install it using the following command:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash

Add Helm Repository

Add the ops Helm repository to your Helm configuration:

helm repo add ops https://www.chenshaowen.com/ops/charts

Install ops-controller-manager

To install the ops-controller-manager using Helm:

helm install myops ops/ops --version 1.0.0 --namespace ops-system --create-namespace

This command installs the ops-controller-manager in the ops-system namespace and creates the namespace if it doesn't exist.

Verify Installation

After the installation, check the status of the pods to ensure everything is running:

kubectl get pods -n ops-system

Uninstall ops-controller-manager

To uninstall the ops-controller-manager:

helm -n ops-system uninstall myops

Namespace Configuration

By default, ops-controller-manager will only process CRD resources within the ops-system namespace.

To change this behavior, you can modify the ACTIVE_NAMESPACE environment variable in the configuration. If left empty, it will process resources from all namespaces.

Make sure to update the namespace if you need ops-controller-manager to work with resources from a different namespace.

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