opscli Overview

opscli is a command-line interface (CLI) designed to facilitate batch remote execution of commands, file distribution, and management of Ops Controller CRD resources. It primarily deals with three types of CRDs: Host, Cluster, and Task.

Main Features of opscli

  1. Batch Remote Command Execution
    Allows you to run commands across multiple remote hosts or nodes in a cluster.

  2. Batch File Distribution
    Enables bulk file distribution to remote systems.

  3. Ops Controller CRD Resources
    Facilitates the creation and management of Host, Cluster, and Task resources in the Ops Controller.

Introducing Copilot

Ops Copilot is a sub-command of the opscli that integrates Ops capabilities with LLM (Large Language Models). The main goal of Copilot is to improve the user experience and efficiency of managing tasks and their parameters.

Problems Solved by Ops Copilot:

  • Choosing the Right Task: Helps in selecting the correct task to solve a particular problem.
  • Selecting Task Parameters: Guides in determining the appropriate parameters for each task.
  • Unified Entry for Ops and LLM: Consolidates operations with LLM and Ops into a single entry point, eliminating the need to switch between different tools.
  • Aligning Ops with LLM: Enhances the alignment of LLM with Ops tasks, making operations smoother.

Ops Copilot Architecture

Ops Copilot uses a Pipeline to define and describe workflows. It utilizes LLM to convert text input into executable pipelines with specific parameters. The process works as follows:

  1. Pipeline Definition: A user describes the desired operation using text.
  2. LLM Processing: The text is parsed and converted into a corresponding pipeline with the necessary parameters.
  3. Task Execution: Ops Copilot interacts with the Ops Server and Ops Controller to create a TaskRun and execute it.
  4. Task Execution Monitoring: The Ops Controller watches for the creation of the TaskRun, performs the specified tasks on the relevant Cluster or Host, and returns the result.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • macOS

This architecture ensures that Ops tasks can be efficiently automated, with the help of LLM, making the workflow more intelligent and streamlined.

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